European Energy Security Policy Shift

August 22, 2023by EAEST0

Since 2023, Europe has been continuously adjusting its energy security policy in response to new energy and geopolitical security dynamics. The focus has shifted towards ensuring supply security and stable pricing.


In the short term, several European countries have implemented emergency measures, including diversifying natural gas sources, increasing gas reserves, extending the operation of nuclear power plants, and providing energy subsidies for residents. However, in the long term, many European countries are planning to significantly increase the share of renewable energy, thus transforming the energy structure that has been predominantly reliant on fossil fuels.


  1. Diversifying the supply of natural gas through policy measures such as exploring new gas sources, expanding gas storage, and accelerating infrastructure development.
  2. Actively addressing the current energy crisis by investing more in the clean energy sector.
  3. Enhancing energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption to decrease reliance on Russia for energy supply.
  4. Introducing various measures to intervene in the energy market, including reforms to the electricity market, price ceilings, and financial and tax support policies. These initiatives aim to alleviate energy supply shortages and reduce energy costs for the public.

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