Become a Member

By becoming a member of EAEST, you will enjoy:

Participate in EAEST’s collaborative projects, learn about the latest events and industry news within the association, etc.
Participate in industry forums and offline seminars to expand your visibility in the energy storage industry.

EAEST Intelligence is a valuable source of information for companies and investors interested in the energy storage sector.

If you would like to learn more about the possibilities offered by EAEST, you can also contact us directly.

Offline Events, Partners

By joining EAEST, you will have many opportunities to increase the visibility and exposure of your company.

With a variety of offline events such as summits, conferences and salons initiated and organized by EAEST, you will have the opportunity to connect with leading energy storage experts and policy makers in the industry.

The Europe and Asia even global energy storage offline business exchange, initiated by EAEST, represents a significant and high-quality industry event of considerable scale. This is currently the only international cooperation platform in the industry that is jointly supported by bilateral governments in Europe and Asia aimed at creating a professional platform for trade promotion, enterprise cooperation and information exchange for new energy industry players and enterprises in China.

Membership Categories

EAEST has designed several membership categories for different organizations and institutional groups in order to provide more professional and effective services to its members.
  • Offline Event
  • Reports, Polices and Analytics
  • ESTEC Exhibition Discount
  • Strategies Sharing
  • Offline Event
  • Reports, Polices and Analytics
  • ESTEC Exhibition Discount
  • Priority Project Access
  • Offline Event
  • Reports, Polices and Analytics
  • ESTEC Exhibition Discount
  • Strategies Sharing
  • Priority Project Access
  • Vice-Chairperson Eligibility

For RMB remittances, please use the daily exchange rate. This fee only covers membership activities, travel and accommodation expenses for activities should be covered by members.

* If you are already a regular member, you can upgrade your membership category by paying the remaining fee difference.

* The validity period for all membership categories is one year, calculated from the joining date.

How to Join

Fill out form

Fill out the membership application form.


The EAEST Executive Committee will have one week to approve your application


Once your membership application is approved, we will send you a confirmation


You will become a full member of EAEST.